About Us
Vision Statement
Connecting county communities to big ideas wherever they are!
The Library is a conduit for information and recreation, filling a unique place in county communities. The Library is for everyone. The Library is both a physical place that offers its services remotely through the Internet and Outreach Services while at the same time maintaining physical location that county communities can visit and utilize in many ways.
Library Goals
Collections - The Library always seeks to improve the quality and quantity of the overall collection
Services - The Library provides services equally to all county residents. The Library consistently seeks to increase the use and awareness of Library services and resources
Administration - The Library creates a long range plan for improving and providing services to the community and ensure that its resources are sufficient for the best interests of the community. Board members will be selected who support the mission and vision of the Library. The Library develops cooperative relationships that enhance its operation and bring greater benefits to the county communities.
Personnel - The Library employs the highest quality staff for completing its mission.
Facilities - The Library provides facilities that are comfortable, accessible, and well-maintained. The Library seeks to meet or to exceed the minimum standards for facilities as defined by the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives.
Service Roles
Popular materials library - The Library features current, high-demand, high-interest materials in a variety of formats for persons of all ages. The collection includes current and popular materials in a variety of formats, with sufficient duplication to meet demand. A substantial percentage of the collection has been published within the last 10 years. Programming at the Library will encompass a wide range of interests and activities, both educational and recreational, at all age levels.
Preschooler’s door to learning - The Library encourages young children to develop an interest in reading and learning through services for children individually and for caregivers and children together. The collection has a variety of materials and formats for preschoolers and for adults working with young children. Library programs engage children’s interests in reading as a pleasure and educational activity at the youngest age possible.
Formal education support center - The Library assists students, preschool through high school and post-secondary, in meeting their educational objectives. Resources include reference materials, periodicals, abstracting and indexing services, online databases, and access to materials in other libraries through interlibrary loan. The Library makes a special effort to acquire materials listed as supplemental sources in textbooks used by local education providers.